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1/2 way mark
3 Sisters
3-2-1 Liftoff
4 Lost TIme
9 More Weeks
A Quickie
About Time!
Age Old
All in the Family
All things a re possible
All Will Be Revealed
Alternate Reality
Always Something
And 1, and 2...
And Gina
And Her Little BLOG too!
And the Winner Is...
Angels Among Us
At Last
Australia Day
Back to the Garden
Back to Work
Bad Kitty!
Believe You Me!
Beta Waking
Bibbidy Bobbidy
Birthday Bash
BLOG #333!!!
Blustery Day
Bowl Me Over
Boys R Us
Boys, Boys, Boys
Brain Candy
BS! (Bachelor of Science)
Business Plan
Calling Raphael
Callous on my Arch
Capricorns Rule
Cat and Mouse Games
Catchin' Z's
Chakra II
Cheese it UP
Chow Chow Chow
Christmas Egg?
Class of 2005
Constant Change
Cookie ME!!!
Corporate This
County Fair
Crazy 8s
Criss Cross
Cruel Shoes
Damn Hippies
Dance Naked!!!
Day of Rest
Deadlines, UGH
Deer ME...
Deer, Deer...
Den Mother
Did I Mention?
Disco Down
Dish Bitch
Divine Love
dog eat dog
Dream City!
Dream Dates
Dreaming in Color
Dressed in Gold
Ducks in a Row
Eat the Worm!
Eat The Worm!!!
Element of Surprise
Entry 366? HA!
Eve of Sag
Everyday Miracles
Exploring Uranus
eye spy
Family Ties
Feats of Clay
Feel the Heat
Fire and Ice
Fixed Grand Cross
Fixed Grand Cross!!!
Flat Out...
Foolish heart
For Goodness Snakes!
Fresh Air
FRI the 13th
Full Moon Fever
Game Over
Garden of Fountain
Gentle Giant
Giddy UP!!!
Glug Glogg
GM a go-go
Go To The Light!!!
Go With The Flow
Goes To Show
Golden Children
Good Times
Grateful Dead
Gwenyth Marie
Halloween Weekend
Hanging In There
Happy Birthday
Happy Easter
Happy New Year
Helping Hands
Hockey Fight
Home Stretch
hooray 4 boobies
Hoppity Hop
Hot Hot Hot
Hot Poop
How do you do?
I Accept
I Believe
I Have A Dream
I Own Tyrone
I Resolve
I Rock!
I Said SO!
In the beginning...
In the Shape of...
In Virgo
In Your Dreams
Is a Love Beat
Is spring sprung?
It all rolls into one
It Matters!
it never ends
It's Happening!!!
Jambalaya Anyone?
Jammin at the Jim Jam
Jerry Me
Just One More DAY!!!
Karmic KO
Keep it Coming
kidding aside
Late Nite
Layin' Low
Let It Flow
Let Me In!
Let's Talk About Sex
Life and Death
like a villain
Long Day
Looking Back
Lost Days
Lucky So Far
Magic in the Airwaves
Maintaining Paradise
Majestic Pacific
Make LikeTrees
Making Them Wait
Market Share
Martian Chronicles
Maximus Chow Down
May Day!
Mayan Fun
Memorial Day
Middle School Dance
Mind full of Air
Mommma KNOWS!!!
Monday Again
Monday Musing
Money's Money
More Bday Fun
More Pisces
More to Come
More Tour
Mr.Toads Wild Ride
My 8x8
My Baby
My Big Boy
My OLD Man
needs assessment
Never Ends
New and Improved?
New Dimension
New Direction
New Paint
No Foolin!!
No More War
No Regrets
Not Paper Clips
Now Be Here
NZ via PDX
O'Hare, I Swear!!!
Odds n Ends
Of the Band
OH-OH-the OCHO!!
On Purpose
ON the BUS
On Your Mark...
One More Week!
One step...
One WEEK!!!
Onion Layers
Open Sesame
Our Father...
Out Fox
Overdue Siesta
Paint it Pink
Papa Roach
Party ON
Past Blast
Peaked Too Soon
Peek-a Boo
perchance to dream
Personal Freedom
Pie in the Sky
Pinkley Taurus
Please Stand By
Please Stand BY!
Plugging Along
Plugging Away
Pluto Shall Prevail!!!
Poor Boris
Principle II
Proceed with Caution
Punk Kids
Purple Haze
putter, putter
R & D
Rabbit, Rabbit
Random Factoid #756
Rated R
Really Big Show
Recipe for..?
Red October
Regularly Scheduled
Rei Ki
Reiki Principles
Rev. it UP
Rick Rack
Safe Haven
Satin Love!!!
Say What?
School/House Rock
Scorpio Full Moon
Scuba Steve
Seeds of Love
Send in the Clowns
Sense a Pattern?
Sheep's Clothing
Shine Dammit
Since DIRT
Skyward HO!!!
Sleep talkin'
Snips and Snails
Snow Day
Snow Day II
Special K
Spider Magic
Steppin' Out
Steve Irwin-OM
Still Plugging
still tired
Strings Attached
Stupid newspaper!
Summer Sunset
Sunny Monday
Super Dog, Tyrone
Super Star Dylan
Sweet Sixteen
Ta-Ta Ma-Ma
Take it Easy
Tech Stuff
Terrible Twos?
Thank Universe!
Thank You, Jerry
Thar She Blows!
That Reminds Me!
The (UN?) Usual
The Big 4-0
The End is Near
the Force
the Grindstone
The Labrynth
The Lack Thereof
The More There Is To DO
The Music Never Stopped
The only thing sure
the strangest of places
till dreams come true
Time Flies
Time Goes!
Time is Relative
Time Travel
To Gary
To Market
Toast with That?
Topsy Turvy
Trust Issue
Try Angles
try try try try try
Tryin' Too Hard
Void of Course
Walk In The Park
Waning Moon
We ARE Family
Well? RU?
What A Day
What a Night
What a Weekend
What Are You?
What Does It Mean
What Does It Mean!!!
What Homework?
What You Want
What's Up?
Wheel of Fortune
Where Does the Time Go?
Where the Heart Is
Who Are You?
Who Knew
Who Knew?
Who Knows
Who ME?
Wine Tasting
Wined and Dined
Wor'd Up
Work Work Work
Year of the ROOSTER
You Bet Your Asp!
You Can Too
You Never Know
You're On It!

Friday, November 4, 2005
Shut Up and Work!!!
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Voiceless
I have this piece of artwork that I created about 12 years ago. It is a mosaic on glass and it has my philosophy about creativity-which is "How to be and artist in three easy steps: 1.forget money exists (See no evil) 2. Listen to your inner voice (Hear no evil) 3. Shut up and work (Speak no evil)."
As if to illustrate that point, today, the day that I have known I was speaking to the advanced art class for three weeks now, I woke up with NO VOICE!!! I don't feel ill otherwise, but I can hardly make a sound, and to do so requires some unneccessary strain. This isn't good when your work actually involves PUBLIC SPEAKING!!! I also had to be the closing manager of the Monterey Cafe. Fortunately it was slow enough that I did not really have to have very much interaction with the public or their food. I used it as an excuse to hang out in the office a lot!
I told you all in an entry earlier this week that there was some energy stuff going on with the throat chakra, and to pay attention to what you are manifesting with your voice. I got a little frustrated when I lost mine, at first thinking about the fact that I had been consciously trying to make my throat chakra straighten up and fly right, and here I was-sick there! Then I really thought about how much healing energy was now being concentrated on it, and what I was learning from not having a voice. I realized that my imbalance is not so much that I DON'T talk about things, but that I talk TOO MUCH about things!!! (thanks for listening!) With Mercury in Sagittarius for the next few weeks (which is my natal placement as well) it is not likely that I am going to shut up any time soon, however, I feel a renewed sense of commitment to only talking about what is important, and LISTENING TOO!!!
On that note-I'm going to SHUT UP and GO TO BED!!! G'Nite

Posted by mandalafly at 12:06 AM PST
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Double Grand Earth Trine
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: I Feel the Earth Move-Carol King
Topic: Feats of Clay
Something from out in left field has come in for a closer look. If the Chicago White Sox can win a pennant...ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN (congrats by the way!)
I don't really talk a lot about the fact that I have an extensive knowledge of ceramics, and I am really good with teen-agers. It was almost another lifetime ago that I honed my skills in this area. I got interested in ceramics in college, and am very close to a degree in it. I haven't had a studio for a long time, and have kept myself very busy doing other things (paintings and collages mostly). I can't even say that I really felt like I missed it.
Here, however-I am in a situation that looks like a golden opportunity to get back into the studio-and-if I play my cards right, I will be getting paid to do it!!! I will keep you posted, WISH ME LUCK!!!

Posted by mandalafly at 12:01 AM PST
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
All Saint's Day
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Papa Legba-the Talking Heads
I keep hearing "Pedro" from Napoleon Dynamite-giving his class president speech, and saying that he thought that the school should have "some Holy Santo's for the hallway..." I flash to the dashboard of my pink car, and my plastic Jesus from Alien Al. My Santa Maria from Nurse Sarah, the Statue of Liberty from "Is Doug still here?". Assorted other sentimentorabilia come to prominence in the third eye. I get a smile out of it.
Today is a special day. I like the feel of it. I woke up to gray skies and good steady but not too heavy Oregon Rain. I keep thinking about Papa Legba. He is the Gatekeeper to the spirits of the VooDoo religion. In order to begin a ritual and let the "riders"(the spirits) out to ride their "horses"(those posessed by the spirits). Horses are Sagittarian energy, and this is my 5th house of creativity (and SEX!-woo-hoo) I have four planets here, and the sun shining on the other side of the pasture in the Capricorn field. Is that what makes the grass greener over there? This is the sitxth house which is the house of service to others, and how you relate to co-workers. My sun is here and Capricorn is the house of Career and public standing, so it goes to figure that my job would be one where I am a server-in a very public restaurant! I love to grouse about it, but I guess I take for granted how many people that I meet in the course of one day, or in one week...I know that I am lucky to be able to talk to a number of them about what it is that I REALLY do...Mandalas! I need to get the gate open so that my house of creativity works in concert with my house of career and public standing, and I become a world reknowned Mandala Artist and Teacher!
I am putting it out there that I might really like to start as a ceramic teacher...
On that note...I'd better get in the shower and get ready to face my public...
Hope I get to have time for a daydream or two.

Posted by mandalafly at 9:40 AM PST
Monday, October 31, 2005
All Hallow's Eve
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: The Monster Mash
Topic: Happy New Year
What Do Hillbillies do for Halloween?----PUMP-KIN!!! This is one of my favorite holidays. When I was a kid my ULTRA creative mother would make me and my two sisters these awesome costumes. (Later I will dig out some pics and add them to my photo album~I have more to say today, but I gotta spend the day at the Diablo's Lair!) One year we were the Three Little Pigs, One year we were cowgirls with these SWEET paper mache horses (and go-go boots!). Our little Wisconsin town had a huge Halloween parade and we always won the group category. A few of my 15 minutes were shaved off by being in the newspaper a bunch when I was little! This year I found these sweet red feathered wings. I'm going as a Hell's Angel. (I've been searchin' for the daughter of the devil himself...) I have ghost stories for later on tonight-STAY TUNED~ OOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Posted by mandalafly at 9:36 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:26 PM PDT
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Ripple-The Grateful Dead
Topic: Happy Birthday
A Chilling Halloween Read for my Faithful BLOGGEES.
At some point I was in the middle of some cheesy romance novel where the woman whose husband cheats on her, and leaves her with two small children, and a house in the middle of nowhere, runs off to see her best friend. These two have known each other since somewhere around the first day of seventh grade, but have lived far apart enough to remain best friends for 20+ years. They decide to meet at Stone Mountain Park in Atlanta, Georgia-one coming from FT. Meyers,Fl. with a group of friends, one from Normal,Il-solo. It is about the time of April Fool's Day, and the Grateful Dead are playing the OMNI.
One of the guys in the group catches the Normal girl's eye-"hmmmmmm...I could be attracted to him". she thinks, but out of her mouth she hears herself saying-"I had to come here to get away from boys!"-which was the truth. She needed a break. Little did she know, something extraordinary was about to happen. Something that is so strange that it just HAD TO BE TRUE!!!
Once you see what she has seen, there ain't no looking back.
Flash forward-April Fool's on the Dead Lot. She and her best friend are doing hairwraps all day across from an overzealous t-shirt salesgirl selling shirts with (and this has to be said loud like a cheer) "Winnie the Pooh, and Tigger TOOOOO!!! T-I-double G-RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" She takes a break and looks around at the other vendors wares. She buys a cheap necklace, a crescent moon with a crystal hanging from the top. She buys a bracelet with a scorpion on it for her and her best friend who is a Scorpio (DUH!) She feels someone tap her on the shoulder. It is the guy from the campsite. "HI"...they buy a beer, start walking and talking...blah, blah, blah...he sees the bracelet, reveals that he is also a Scorpio-Born on Halloween! She laughs and says "My birthday is New Year's Eve!" He say's "we are both New Year's Babies" (his being the Wiccan NYE) They laugh that this day is April Fools (which is also a New Year's of sorts-story later...) and that this particular year-April Fool's Day is ALSO Good Friday!!! Is it even possible that this isn't just TOO MANY COINCIDENCES!!! How is anyone supposed to believe a word of it!!!
The next thing the writer is going to say is that this guy is named "Mr. Wright," and that they had a marvelous and magical long, strange trip together, but then she had to go back to Normal and he was left to work on the beach in Florida as a barback at the "Lani Kai". Had to learn the hard way, to let it pass by....
I'm not sure where I even got such a book, but it was just what I needed to divert my attention from being far too serious, far too often!!!
Whatever you did for Halloween, I hope it was fun. I dressed up as a "Hell's Angel"-and served patrons at the "Toro Del Diablo" (welcome to my nightmare!). I managed to convince the neighbor kid that horns grow out of my head every Halloween, and I only ate a couple things out of my kids bags without asking. (SO far.)
Happy Birthday, Mr. Wright-(fade to Dreamweaver)

Posted by mandalafly at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, November 1, 2005 12:10 AM PST
Friday, October 28, 2005
Fall Tour Friday
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Anything Tye-Dyed
Topic: Halloween Weekend
The local mostly volunteer radio station at one of the local high schools is having one of their bi-enneal fundraisers. They had Fall Tour Friday, and played DEAD all day. I had to work at the Mel-O-Drama (Like BOWL-O-O-O-RAMA) tonight as the service bartender for Linda who is still out because of Eddie. It was kind of fun. I guess that is something that I often hate to admit.
This has been an extra-ordinary month of SCANDALOUS behavior at the Flaming Fajita Suprema, we have a NEW LIFE,A NEW DEATH, SEX, ALCOHOL USE and ABUSE. There is an Unplanned Pregnancy, A Husband-at-large, Servers gone wild (again), leading up to Revealing Halloweening, while travel plans change at a moment's notice and Fleesh and her man do what they can to get to String Cheese in VEGOOSE> BREEAAATTTTHEEEEEE......
One of the best conversations tonight was about nicknames for people we work with and that one is Gato and one is Gato's Baby. We have Smelly Cat, Kelly Kat, Kerry Cat, Hippie Cat, Tom Cat, Hissy Cat, GIT -IT_GATO GOOD in da HOOD. I joked that we were in-bred, and he said "Well, maybe if everyone wasn't sleeping together!!!" All I could think was "Word-UP!!!" The movie "WAITING" is in theaters now. I am excited to see it because I read the book a couple of years ago now and have passed it on to every server I can. (Fleesh is currently working on it.) I am certain that this movie has nothing on us. We are "As the TACO Turns".
I cannot say more while I watch their souls walk the labrynths that they have created for themselves. Halloween is upon us and we should give thanks to the souls who have chosen come into the world to help us learn about what it is like to love each other unconditionally and with respect for our humanity.
Know that the universe wants us to accept love as well as we can give it. "BE EXCELLENT TO ONE ANOTHER."-Bill and Ted.

Posted by mandalafly at 11:28 PM PDT
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Jupiter in Scorpio
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Bloodhound Gang
Topic: What You Want
YAHOO!!! Jupiter, that planet of Luck and Expansion moved into Scorpio yesterday. this is also the planet of excess and it's influence in Scorpio deals with getting what you want! This is a time for really taking a moment to think about what is most important to you, and to believe that you deseve it! It is also a time to be careful what you wish for! (more than usual) The universe has a funny way of responding to our wishes. It is very literal. Ask for money-you will find a dollar in your laundry. The cosmic comedians are trying to teach you to communicate effectively.
There have been many adjustments happening in the energy belts around earth and we are all learning to do things in ways that we never before thought possible. There is a phenomena that is making our crown chakra vibrate faster than the rest of our system can handle. It can whip the energy right out of our 1st and 2nd chakras and send it skyward, leaving us airheaded and disoriented. For most people it manifests in the 5th chakra-throat-for those who are a little more attuned, it will also show up in the 6th-third eye. It is IMPERATIVE that we begin to communicate about the things that are making life difficult. It is CRUCIAL that we keep the 1st and 2nd chakras open-even if they are a little drained-and stay grounded, or we will manifest trauma in the earthly realm.
I am seeing this as "the Marilyn Monroe Syndrome". The energy is like that of that famous shot of her white dress blowing up around her. It takes effort to hold it down while the subway train goes by, but once again comes back to earth (what goes up...). She is a lesson in what happens here. She is still the icon of sexuality and her exploits are infamous, but she was never really in touch with all of that power and instead of using it for good, she killed it. She was always reaching for the stars, not realizing that she was among them. You are too-in your own way-CELEBRATE IT!
What is going on in the energy fields right now is trying to teach that to the masses. Stop and take a moment to connect yourself to the ground. Picture your energy coming from around your head and neck, and flowing down around you (like lava?) and connecting you to the earth. We are all a part of it. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Posted by mandalafly at 11:22 AM PDT
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Enter the Dragon
Mood:  special
Now Playing: Imagine-John Lennon
Topic: Raaawwwwrrrrrr
I love this game. I wrote about Scorpio's with a shout out to my Leo, and when I went to the Fajita Factory my boss was doing orientation for GUESS WHAT!!! Yes-a Scorpio and a Leo! Due to my reputation as the staff astro-nut (they only see the tip of the iceberg!) I didn't even have to ask them for that information!
The Leo is an Ordained Minister from the Clearsight Aura Institute in Santa Monica. They teach a form of energy healing to clear old patterns and the like from your energy field. I only had a brief chance to ask her about it (since they were in orientation) and I got an initial impression of "Holier than Thou". It was definately "She Leo" in nature. It woke my Dragon IMMEDIATELY! and I got all bristled! I walked away and examined my motives-I thought about whether I was threatened, and I realized that it was part of the healing process to face things in others that you might not even realize about yourself. Do I come across as having all the answers? I'd have to say Yes! Sometimes I say "I KNOW" when I haven't even heard what it is (just ask Baboo!)
Like I said-it was a brief encounter, and not really the forum for discussion on this infinite subject. I have to say that I left with the hairs standing up on my arms, and the thought "Hmph-so you think you know it all, do you?" I asked this question to my s'elf and I know that I have only scratched the surface of everything that I am interested in experiencing in this lifetime. I am looking forward to the opportunity to talk to this person in greater detail, under more hospitable conditions. The force is strong within us, and we are aware. Will it be a Meeting of the Minds, or a Clash of the Titans! I vote yes. This is what I live for!

Posted by mandalafly at 10:02 AM PDT
Monday, October 24, 2005
Scorpio Magic
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic-Red Hot Chili Peppers
Topic: Proceed with Caution
Welcome to Scorpio. Makes me hot just thinking about it. Doesn't hurt that my bestest friend EVER is a Scorpio (November 6). Or that two of the men that I would say had the most influence on my "awakening" are Scorpios (October 31, and November 13-yes it was a Friday that year!) I LOVE SCORPIOS! (Don't worry, my Leo Baboo-you are still the center of my universe!)
Scorpio is the eighth house of the zodiac, and is the house of Birth, Death and Regeneration. It rules the reproductive system. The Phoenix is an appropriate symbol for this sign. Out of the ashes, we rise anew. (Does it surprise you that I met my aforementioned best friend on my first day at Phoenix Middle School?)
Scorpios are ruled by Pluto. I always say that my Scorpios think they know everything because their planet is on the outside of the universe and they can look in on the rest of us. They are secretive, and don't always tell us what they think (and you probably wouldn't like it if they did-the STINGER!). Mostly what they see is deeper than many people want to go in this lifetime. Scorpio influences tell us about our mystical side. Scorpios usually have a sense of deep emotion early in life, and it can take a number of years for them to figure out not everyone can feel the psychic undercurrents they are born knowing. This can make for some pretty introverted kids. They should be encouraged to express themselves in healthy ways.
Pluto is a generational influence planet. It can take between 12 and 21 years for it to transit a house due to it's erratic orbit. My generation has Pluto in Virgo, which is about setting things "right". In 1979 until 1999 Pluto became the 8th planet when it's orbit crossed that of Neptune and the generation that was born here has Pluto in it's native house of Scorpio. This is truly a placement of sweeping reform. It will be interesting to see what the kids with it do to change to present course-(mostly from the generation with Pluto in Leo-the house of ME). Wishg them luck as they flip over the tables of the moneychangers!!!

Posted by mandalafly at 10:10 AM PDT
Thursday, October 20, 2005
I'm Serious
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Sabotage-Beastie Boys
Topic: Believe You Me!
Oh, Casa del Drama,
Release me from the spell that you have over me. I have done my part, and got this far, and have set my boundries, and yet you push with velvet gloves-you use my friends to try to pull me in for more than I can give. It is not okay.
Forgive the young and clueless, who do not understand that it is not my place to jump in and cover their asses when they pull something stupid and can't fulfill their end of the bargain.
Help those who are too kind. Those who DO cover the asses of aforementioned clueless young'uns, to the point of being so burnt out that they can't even figure out where their boundries are.
Take care of those who need you. Bestow prosperity on those who depend upon you. Allow them to reap rewards for their dedication to the cause.
Reward loyalty.
Hold people accountable.
Serve your purpose.
Feed the masses.
I have seen behind the curtain, and I am looking the great and powerful Oz in the eye.
I have had the power all along.

Posted by mandalafly at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, October 21, 2005 12:07 AM PDT

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